The SHED Movement
The Shed Movement started in Australia and has now reached Ireland, England and at least one city in Canada. "Sheds" have been part of the culture in Australia, Ireland and England for many, many years. The Videos from Australia and Ireland show clearly the evolution of sheds. Putting this into Canadian context I would say that our "sheds" may be found in garages or in small to large portions of basements. They are places men do their hobbies or their thing. That thing could be coin collecting, rebuilding antique cars, or building furniture/shelves.....whatever. The activity could be gardening with a large space set aside somewhere for tools and repotting. The space could be an "office" set aside to do research on the family tree or write articles. It could be a photo lab (old days) or an electronic editing studio. What happens when the family has to downsize? Where does all the equipment go? Does the man have to stop his activities? What happens? ...