
Showing posts from November 28, 2013

Alberta Policy Papers - 1988

The 1980's were high water mark years for policy development in Alberta Recreation and Parks. In preparation for the 1988 Olympics in Calgary, Alberta had a comprehensive Sport Plan to identify and prepare athletes for the Games. The goal was to have 20% of the Canadian Team made up of Alberta athletes. In addition Alberta went through a comprehensive planning process to put in place a Recreation Policy. The following three documents were found in my archives. Foundations for Action - Full Report Foundations for Action - Summary Policy Statement for Alberta Recreation & Parks For Sport Policy historians I also located Iona Campagnolo's Towards a Policy for Amateur Sport

National Recreation Framework - Following the Discussion

National Recreation Framework 2012 - 2022 The National Recreation Framework Working Group is following up from the 2011 National Recreation Summit   and would like to share their progress with you: see the items listed below. Provincial/Territorial Governments and P/T Recreation and Parks Associations and related stakeholders were asked to complete consultations and provide input to CPRA by May 1, 2013. They were asked to use the consultation template listed below to promote consistency for discussions to be held in New Brunswick at the end of May. 1.       A National Recreation Agenda Framework (March 20,2012) This draft report outline from The National Recreation Agenda Working Group is a follow-up from the 2011 National Recreation Summit and covers: A Compelling Need; A Changing World - Our Futures Perspective; A Strategic Approach - Foundational documents; Blueprint for Action; and Forging Ahead 2.       New Brunswi...