National Recreation Framework - Following the Discussion

National Recreation Framework 2012 - 2022

The National Recreation Framework Working Group is following up from the 2011 National Recreation Summit and would like to share their progress with you: see the items listed below.
Provincial/Territorial Governments and P/T Recreation and Parks Associations and related stakeholders were asked to complete consultations and provide input to CPRA by May 1, 2013. They were asked to use the consultation template listed below to promote consistency for discussions to be held in New Brunswick at the end of May.
1.      A National Recreation Agenda Framework
(March 20,2012)This draft report outline from The National Recreation Agenda Working Group is a follow-up from the 2011 National Recreation Summit and covers: A Compelling Need; A Changing World - Our Futures Perspective; A Strategic Approach - Foundational documents; Blueprint for Action; and Forging Ahead

2.      New Brunswick's National Recreation Agenda Consultation - Summary Report
(October 12, 2012)

This consultation was the first formal initiative held in New Brunswick in support of developing a National Recreation Agenda (NRA). It was not driven by any one particular agency, but rather the result of the efforts and resources from a variety of stakeholders. Provincial NGOs, municipal agencies, the Government of New Brunswick, academic institutions and individual citizens all played a role in making this discussion possible.
In general, the consultation was organized to:
Increase awareness within the province of the work emerging from the National Recreation Summit and efforts leading to the development of a national recreation agenda.
Provide New Brunswick stakeholders with a forum to express their opinions and beliefs
Explore opportunities available to better position recreation within the social/human service sectors
Inform future work on the National Recreation Agenda

3.      Student Input towards a National Recreation Agenda (January 8, 2013)The National Recreation Summit in 2011 involved 14 students from various Canadian universities. Student observations at the end of the Summit were that: students want to be a part of the changes that happen in the recreation field, students share the enthusiasm from the summit and want to play an important role in building and sustaining momentum, and lastly, a recommendation for more opportunities for students to become involved in national recreation events such as the summit.

Building on these observations, student involvement has been continuous since the 2011 Recreation Summit. The purpose of this report was to summarize the feedback received from student consultations and to hopefully have it feed into the National Recreation Agenda process.

4.      Consultation Template to Guide Discussions about theNational Recreation Agenda 
Provincial/Territorial Governments and P/T Recreation and Parks Associations and related stakeholders have been asked to complete their provincial/territorial consultations and have their input provided to CPRA by May 1, 2013. They are being asked to use the Consultation Template developed by the National Recreation Agenda Working Group to promote a degree of consistency for the discussions so that their results can be better used to advance the process .(No document)

5.      National Recreation Roundtable, Fredericton: Draft Agenda May 29 - 30, 2013   Agenda for the two day roundtable discussions in Fredericton, New Brunswick.

6.      Toward a National Recreation Agenda and Active Canada 20/20
Summarizes results of consultation between Parks and Recreation Ontario (PRO) and the Ministry of Tourism, Culture, and Sport. Major topics: Foundation Statements – definition and vision; Positioning Statements; 12 Priorities; Active Canada 20/20 - Goal - Targets; Areas of Focus; Next Steps.

7.      Towards a National Agenda for Recreation. Charting a Course: The Nova Scotia Response Summary of discussions in Nova Scotia regarding the development of a National Recreation Agenda. Considerable effort was spent throughout the process, determining the role of public recreation, that is services at all levels of government that are publically funded. It has been acknowledged that ‘public recreation’ is one component of the larger recreation sector network, and has a mandate to serve the greater good of society given that it is publically funded. As such, there is a distinct role that public recreation is positioned to play that no one else in the sector has the capacity. Considerable concern was expressed over the lack of apparent clarity of the role of public recreation in relation to other parts of the sector, and the need to determine that role before proceeding. A model has been developed that clearly articulates what Nova Scotians believe to be the role of public recreation, and provides direction to priorities for the National Agenda. Throughout the process, care was taken to try and identify which issues have only regional relevance and that appear to be national is scope. (April 2013) (article to be posted)

8.      Towards A National Agenda for Recreation: One Year Later
This 2013 National Recreation Summit presentation is a follow-up to the 2011 summit and looks at various topics, such as Foundation Statements, Vision, Positioning Statements, Priorities, Blueprint for Action, and more.
(January 8th 2013)

9.   National Recreation Agenda Update by CPRA/ACPL

10. Towards A National Recreation Agenda: A Discussion Paper. Working Together to Foster Healthy, Flourishing and Sustainable Individuals, Communities and Environments) This document is meant to anchor discussions at a May 2013 National Recreation Roundtable in New Brunswick, which is one step along the process of developing a National Recreation Agenda. That event will also explore the alignment of any shared initiatives between Active Canada 20/20, the Canadian Sport Policy, and the National Recreation Agenda. (March 28, 2013

11. Report on the National Recreation Roundtable in Fredericton, New Brunswick Summarizes discussions of the National Recreation Agenda process and input to date. Includes discussion of definitions of recreation, how to provide a vision, positioning statements, cornerstones to support a series of strategies to help build the recreation community and realize the vision. The idea of an enabling policy was raised.
A list of delegates is also attached.
(June 2013) 

12. Statement - National Recreation Roundtable by Hon. Dorothy Shephard

I would to take this opportunity to extend a huge thank you to Brian Johnston for his tremendous support of the National Recreation Framework process to this point.  The process has taken hours and hours of work and a great deal of travel. Many thanks to Brian and his company (PERC) for all the time donated to the advancement of recreation in Canada over many years.


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