Moving Forward on a National Recreation Agenda

Chris Szabo developed a very comprehensive overview on the evolution of recreation, sport and physical activity for the National Recreation Summit in 2011. This should be required reading before any conference.
Connecting the Dots... Looking Back on Federal- Provincial/Territorial and Interprovincial Sport and Recreation Council (ISRC) Involvements in Recreation  

Sport has the 2012 Canadian Sport Policy in place with implementation underway.
Fitness has a plan, Active Canada 2020 that is underway.
Recreation does not have a plan in place.

Sport and Physical Activity both have linkages to Federal Government policy responsibilities.
Recreation is a Provincial responsibility with Municipalities being responsible for delivery of services.

Interestingly Sport and Fitness programs and services have "shared" delivery in Municipalities. Nothing is black and white, lots of variations from coast to coast to coast.

Heading into the National meeting in New Brunswick (May 2013) the National Agenda Framework was developed.

Student Input towards a National Recreation Agenda

Provincial/Territorial Governments and P/T Recreation and Parks Associations and related stakeholders have been asked to complete their provincial/territorial consultations and have their input provided to CPRA by May 1, 2013. They are being asked to use the Consultation Template developed by the National Recreation Agenda Working Group to promote a degree of consistency for the discussions so that their results can be better used to advance the process.

Input from an Ontario consultation facilitated by PRO.

Summary of discussions in Nova Scotia regarding the development of a National Recreation Agenda. Considerable effort was spent throughout the process, determining the role of public recreation, that is services at all levels of government that are publically funded. It has been acknowledged that ‘public recreation’ is one component of the larger recreation sector network, and has a mandate to serve the greater good of society given that it is publically funded. As such, there is a distinct role that public recreation is positioned to play that no one else in the sector has the capacity. Considerable concern was expressed over the lack of apparent clarity of the role of public recreation in relation to other parts of the sector, and the need to determine that role before proceeding. A model has been developed that clearly articulates what Nova Scotians believe to be the role of public recreation, and provides direction to priorities for the National Agenda. Throughout the process, care was taken to try and identify which issues have only regional relevance and that appear to be national is scope.

A draft agenda was developed for the National Recreation Roundtable, Fredericton:May 29 - 30, 2013.

A Summary Report and Final Report were developed following discussions.
Delegates list for the event.

Input was made to the Federal-Provincial/Territorial Ministers meeting in Sherbrooke Quebec.

Following the initial National Recreation Summit in Lake Louise in 2011 and the hosting of the National Recreation Roundtable in Fredericton in May 2013,CPRA and the ISRC through the National Recreation Agenda Working Group is continuing to work on the development of a National Recreation Agenda ( now Framework) to be presented to Minister Responsible for Sport, Recreation and Physical activity at their Annual Conference in February 2015.

As part of this work Ontario ( Govt of Ontario and PRO) will be hosting a National Recreation Summit in the fall of 2014.

What are the goals of a National Recreation Strategy?


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