Krishan C. Joshee - He Served the Community Well

Krishan C. Joshee, C.M. Passed away peacefully February 25, 2014 "A remarkable visionary and recipient of the Order of Canada, Krishan Joshee has greatly helped shape the volunteer spirit of Alberta. He has always championed those most in need of government and community support, and in doing so is highly respected as one of Alberta’s truly great ambassadors - provincially, nationally and internationally. He is a founding member of the Mahatma Gandhi Canadian Foundation for World Peace, and served as a chair of the foundation’s advisory council for many years. He was also a founding member of the Edmonton Heritage Festival. Along with other numerous appointments, Mr. Joshee served as the Chairman of the Alberta Gaming Commission and the former Wild Rose Foundation, as well as a member of the Edmonton Police Commission and the Canadian Commission on Race Relations. Through all of his work, Mr. Joshee continues to be a model for commitment to community and engaged citizenship...