Adapting to Change or a Redundant Profession?

Adapting to change at any time in ones career is challenging but trying to adapt to change in ones profession at the end of a career is even more challenging. During our careers we adapt to structural change, organizational change, government change, technological change and even the loss of wonderful colleagues. Adapting to changes in ones calling or ones profession is something else. When one is made to feel a profession may be redundant ( no longer needed or useful; superfluous) it is very hard to accept. Wellness Model How does a profession become redundant? Is it because it did not adapt to the environment surrounding it? - the political environment - the shifting funding envelopes - reduced funding overall - the shifting community environment - the terminology of the day - the pressures on educational institutions - technological advancements Is it because its founding principles are no longer valid in today's society? The Benefits of Recreation I...