Preparing for The National Summit on Recreation

I'm starting to get antsy about the National Summit on Recreation . Approximately 100 people will recommend directions for Recreation in Canada for the foreseeable future. Huge responsibility trying to get it close to right. Quite a challenge for organizers to create a process that can integrate the thinking of the "tree people" and the "forest people". Most of us will be bringing the thoughts of colleagues we have consulted but the success of the event will be in the assimilation of the thinking of an entire process that began back in Lake Louise in the Fall of 2011. Getting it close to right means dealing with issues of lack of communication across our vast country, a siloed culture, determining the "to do" list and identifying roles within the massive framework then opening the gate for a who does what; Physical literacy, leisure education, Report Cards on Physical Activity, under funding, active living an attitude or active living an o...