The National Recreation Framework - RECREATION MATTERS??

Observations from an input session on the National Recreation Framework paper. The document is very truthful but not very motivating, could even be thought to be dull. Trying to get representative thoughts and opinions in a "framework" document is a monumental challenge for any writer, never mind a committee of writers. Out with the old in with the new!! F or me leisure has always been a cornerstone for recreation now it appears that the concept of leisure doesn't matter.... it is just assumed to be part of the "new" definition. What we forget is that there are many new people at the tables for policy and program decisions. Stepping back and revisiting history might be a good investment of a page or two in the doc. Trumpeting our accomplishments along with where we have fallen short might also be helpful. Brian Johnson did a great job of facilitating 70+ folks in Edmonton recently. A good blend of younger professionals, old wise ones, parks people, ac...