The Three Wise Women and Libraries

In the early 2000's, unknown to most library folks in Alberta, secret meetings were being held. None of the participants was sworn to secrecy but everyone knew that what was happening was not an approved way of operating for a public servant. I was the "Library Guy" (Stan Woloshyn) Alberta Public Library Service (1996-2009) A former President of the Alberta Library Trustees Association called to ask me if I was interested in having tea with a small group that was interested in public libraries. I was very interested because during this President's term with the Trustees Association we had had a super working relationship, accomplishing a great deal and building a very good working relationship with Trustees across the Province. I was quite intrigued by the request and any help we could get with supporting libraries would be welcome. After agreeing to meet I was given the date, time and told the gathering would be in a restaurant in St. Albert. On the appo...