The National Recreation Statement (1987)

The National Recreation Statement NATIONAL RECREATION STATEMENT Interprovincial Sport and Recreation Council September, 1987 Quebec, Quebec Table of Contents THE CONTEXT Recreation Grows Recreation Contributes This Paper is Commissioned by Recreation Ministers Background - Recreation Defined - 1974 Background - Provincial/Territorial Primacy Recognized - 1978 Ministers Act to Develop a National Recreation Framework - 1980 Government and the Private Sector Community - The Core Concept THE PROVINCIAL/TERRITORIAL ROLE Ptecreation - A Medium for People Development Provincial and Territorial Roles The Municipal Role Defined The Federal Role in Recreation The Federal Role Defined MECHANISMS OF INTER-GOVERNMENTAL COOPERATION Benefits of Cooperation Federal-Provincial/Territorial Cooperation Benefits of Inter-Provincial/Territorial Cooperation Current Federal-Provincial/Territorial Mechanism for Cooperation in Sport and Fitness Provincial/Territorial and Fed...