You Can't Live in the Past...
You can't live in the past but gee there were some neat things that happened back in the day.
We should be able to laugh and cry about things from our past. We should be able to enjoy the past, learn from the past and use the past to help put perspective on things today.
The past is a great tool for stimulating discussions, remember people , places and things, also a great excuse for the odd refreshment.....
As I get older I find that things or people that really pissed me off back in the day have been put in a box and shelved. No time to dwell on that crap.
The past is full of youthful accomplishments, failures, friends, family and kids growing up.
Next week I'll be jumping back in time to the 60's & 70's to rekindle memories and fiendships with people who shared the common love of canoe tripping in Northwestern Ontario and Canada's near "far north" country. We were all part of the YM/YWCA Camp Stephens Wilderness program. The program that started in 1963 is now five decades old. Fifty years...... The guys that started it will be there, the women who changed the camp forever will be there and the men and women who took the wilderness program to new plateaus of best environmental practices will be there. Five decades of "young people" will renew friendships and relive adventures that helped shape the way they have looked at life, treated coworkers, raised families and participated in their communities.Talking about where they were then and what they are doing now and everything in-between.
This celebration of the past has taken two years to plan; contacting people, writing newsletters, using social media and tugging at the heart. A book has been written and a unique poster created.

I'll leave you hanging on the reunion until next week....when the emotions will be out of control.....
But there will be more about the value of the past...