For many years while the late Krishan Joshee was the Chairman of the
Wild Rose Foundation (a lottery Foundation long before the creation of the Wild Rose political party) he would take his Board to meet with community
members on their turf. The Board would travel to
communities and meet
with volunteer groups; listening to their success stories and challenges
they were facing. The Staff of the Wild Rose Foundation then tried to
respond through tweaking grant programs or incorporating sessions into
the Vitalize conference.

The take-away was that everyone ne
eds to get out of the office and meet "the folks" on their turf, listen to their successes and the issues they face.
What I've noticed over the last 15-20 years is that governments have
cut travel budgets for front line staff and there is very little
listening going on. Lots of talking to "ourselves".
This applies
to Non Profit organizations as well. "Engaging Community" means the
door swings both ways! You engage on their turf and in their facilities
and you invite folks into your space for input and group sessions.
If you don't leave your building you aren't really building
relationships....social media is not like a firm handshake, or a piece
of pie, a coffee and a chat in a rural Canadian coffee spot.